Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do you have a cough due to a cold?

So I havent blogged in awhile, not really sure why but nevertheless Im here now. So lets break all this down: "Jenny" abused, abandonment issues, sexual promiscuity, drug addictions, lack of education, no real sense of family, unstable carreer , no self awareness/identity and she says: "Forrest, Im sick" and he replies, "Do yo have a cough due to a cold".......No you dumbass....she is severe mental issues, UNTSABLE, INCAPABLE of TRUE COMMITMENT, SELFISH, MANIPULATIVE, DISHONEST, CONFUSED, SCARED, LONELY, ANGRY.. I might add.. rightfully so ... ( but nevertheless, you've know this since first grade, in my case 13 years) The best advice Jenny every gave you was to RUN FORREST RUN, but heck no you stay because you are going to save her, she will see that you are different, that you can be trusted and relied upon, that you will not abandon her, you are going to love her like nobody has, you are going to be the hero, show her support and compassion, you are going to be stable and consistent enough for the both of you, you are going to be kind, passionate, loving , comitted through good times and bad, you will be giving and encouraging, you will be strong and disciplined and structured, you will be her family, her friend, her partner, her lover, and in the end she still leaves you and breaks your heart. AND what's so sad is she never dealt with the pain and heartache of her own past.. she was wounded and lost when you met her and all the what if's will never change that...and that's all I have to say about that!

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