Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lt. Dan, Ice Cream!!!!

OK so I'm on the phone with my dad, the same man that would ground me for something stupid I did as a teenager, the same man that would yell at me and tell me how disappointed he and my mother were over whatever it was I did that time ( I'm quite sure it was irresponsible, dangerous and just out right DUMB)ain't hat right KM? But this is the same man that in a few hours later would feel like he had been to hard on me or that my mother had been to hard on me and then would take me out for ice cream? WTF? Like ice cream was gonna make it all better? Let me out of the grounding so I can hang with my friends, that's what will make it better pops!!!!! I might add now as a parent myself, I too can be little hard and maybe a little overbearing on my teenager and have on occasion felt bad and took him for ice cream..actually some of my best conversations have happened while eating ice today I'm on the phone with my dad and my 3 year old niece hears the ice cream man's van and starts screaming at the top of of her lungs.. "ice cream ! ice cream! ice cream!".. so of course I gotta go get her an ice cream otherwise this most precious child will not stop making the most awful ear piercing noise Ive ever heard in my life. So we go outside and the ice cream man has gone!!!! but she can still hear is little musical van.. so my sister, my five year old niece and my 3 year old niece, who I might add is wearing green rain boots on a sunny day and myself take off running down the street in search of the ice cream man... my sister first, then the five year old and then me bringing up the rear with the 3 year old slowing me down because of those darn rain boots. So I scream ahead to my sister, "this is crazy, he's gone, we are never gonna find him" and my 3 year old niece running her little heart out looks up at me and says, " we can do this, we can do this".. WOW!!!!!!!!! and guess what? she was right, we found him, we did it!!!! and her little face just lighted up!! So we got our ice cream and enjoyed a peaceful walk back to the house and all was right with in world of my 3 year old niece and for the moment everything was good with me. I CAN DO THIS.. I can over come all this heartache and pain. I can accomplish anything if I just believe as my 3 yr. old niece does... and if not ICE CREAM will make it all better.