Monday, May 25, 2009

I Gotta Go Pee

My sunday started out at work until 3:00 and after a quick wardrobe change, I like so many sunday afternoons in the past rightfully took my seat at Boscos and ordered my first of what was to become many midtown browns at 4:00. What the heck I hadnt eaten all day so I ordered a steak sandwich too. Life was good. I was alone and we all know I dont do "alone" very well these days, nevertheless I was enjoying myself ( that so didnt sound right) but I think you get the idea and if you dont I dont care.. its my blog!!! So about hour and half later that whole realization of I really am alone thing kicked in and so did those midtown browns, which made it real hard for my eyes to stay dry and real easy for me to feel sorry for myself. I went to pee a couple of times during that first hour an half, didnt even mind if I had to stand in line because there was nobody waiting on me back at the bar. Took my time so I could dry my eyes and fake looking halfway appropriate in a social setting. I wasnt in any hurry, there was nobody waiting on me, no conversation to rejoin or even a good converstaion to ease drop on. All these people around me, laughing, drinking, sharing stories.. just living in the moment and all I could think was.. I have nobody here to say Ill be right back, "I GOTTA GO PEE".. you know you say it, we all say it.. even Forrest said it to JFK.. so I told the bartender, whom Im quite sure by now thinks Im crazy. So I figure its time to go, besides I actually had someplace to be by 6:30 (sorry MD)and then just like one little, two little, three little indians.. if you build they will come thing...Friends and loved ones(AKA those people you say I gotta go pee too) first there was one, then a little while later 3 more, then a little later 2 more.... the beverages were flowing along with the conversations and so were those trips to the bathroom, except this time I had somebody waiting for me, somebody that cared, somebody to come back to , people that enjoyed being around me, people that were interested in the things I had to say, people that had missed me ... I guess my point to all this is to take note of the little things in life because when they are gone its truly amazing just how big they really were.

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